Originally Published in Flourishing: Volume 2, Issue 1
In June 2010, when we first enrolled our son, Seth into sixth grade at Trinity Christian School, we were thrilled with the small family atmosphere here! Seth has Asperger’s Syndrome (a form of high-functioning autism), and he had functioned with an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) at his previous school. Trinity did not offer IEP’s, so we were here based solely on where we felt God was leading our family!
After a bit of transition time, Seth began to flourish academically, spiritually, and emotionally at Trinity! He had small class sizes, nurturing and loving teachers and staff, and classmates who accepted him, all of which are difficult to find in public school.
It was easy to connect with other families and find places to volunteer. We moved our third grade son, Eli to Trinity the semester after Seth. Students here receive a Christ-centered classical education where there is great alignment between what is being taught at home and at school. The administration, faculty, and staff have a “partnership” with families; there is no “division” of home and school. Anything that happens at school that is worthy of discussion will be discussed with parents!
While attending Trinity, our children have participated in service projects, some of which include serving at a local special-needs school and traveling to Phoenix to minister to students at PICK (Phoenix Inner City Kids). They are taught biblical truths daily by teachers who mentor and care for them academically, spiritually, and personally. They tirelessly pour themselves into the students, often giving of their own personal time.
Students attend Chapel weekly where they worship through music, testimonies, and biblical lessons. They take rigorous Bible classes, especially in high school, that challenge and reinforce all aspects of living a Christian life. They are free to question and discuss topics with teachers and fellow-students. The logic and rhetoric classes that students take in high school teach them how to argue, debate, and listen well, and how to defend their faith in the world.
During their senior year, students take the “Understanding the Times” class where they are taught more about a biblical worldview and the different philosophies from a world full of non-believers, especially on college campuses. All of our alumni say that this class equipped them to deal well with post-high school life! The capstone of the students’ high school career occurs in their senior year when they debate and defend a senior thesis with a public presentation.
Trinity’s academics are rigorous, but the fine arts and athletics programs are just as stellar and glorifying to God! Our children have been involved in theater productions and athletics, and have found that they integrate their faith in these activities, as well as witnessing to the community and student athletes from other schools.
At senior graduation, there is a blessing ceremony where a teacher speaks to each senior individually, identifying character traits they see in them and offering a Bible verse that implicates these traits; this is one of the most beautiful and special events I have ever witnessed! Seth graduated with Honors from Trinity, and feels well-prepared as he enters into college and the world of secular education.
We cannot stress enough how critical it is to have other adults, especially teachers, reinforcing what you are teaching your children at home! Trinity Christian School has been the greatest blessing that God has ever bestowed on our family, and we thank Him daily for the privilege of sending our children to school here.